Please accept our gratitude and appreciation for the terrific support of our 2016 Oblate Scramble Golf Tournament. Our list of sponsors and some pictures of the day are on display below! 2016 Sponsor List
Oblate Scramble 2016 Shotgun Willy & Waylon Pat, Owen, Howard, Mike
Lyle, Ken, Joe, Brendan Ron, Dan, Murray, Duane Brian, Lisa, Carl, Chris
Al, Terry, Neil, Dave Lorne, Gerald, Gerry, Ric Doug, Lyle, Jeremy, Kaz
Tony, Gerry, Joanne, Gail Chris, Wes, Bill, Fr. Doug Terry, Bev, Olga, Joanne
Eric, Matt, Byron, Jeff Cam, Murray, Ryan, Colin Our Eagle!! Sr. Anne
This close to a hole in 1! Ron, Nancy, Elaine, Pauline Our Patron – Fr. Paul
Pauline, Fr. Bill, Elaine, Cam, Ryan and Murray Andrew relaxing!
Blain, Gerry, Fr. Jack
Kicking back after golf! It Mark, Scott, Fr. Mike Pauline and Fr. Jack
rained but no one got wet? (father son and holy ghost!) Its been a great day!!