See our Bike-A-Thon 2015 update including pictures! Update & Pictures
This past Sunday, September 20, Queen’s House hosted its thirteenth annual Bike-A-Thon. The absolutely beautiful day started at 8 a.m. in the Chapel with the Sunday Eucharistic. Nearly all of the some thirty-five bikers, a few of their families plus several well-wishers turned up for this red-eye, yet joyous event. A hearty breakfast followed. Then about 9:15 a.m., and cheered on by a few supporters and fans, the bikers peddled south on Lorne Ave. and the “casino road”. At the fork with the old Diefenbaker Lake road and near Beaver Creek, some fifteen kilometers on, a temporary refreshment stop was set up, and most of the bikers paused there briefly to rest and freshen up. They then continued peddling south to the Fas Gas station at the junction of the Dakota Dunes casino, 26 K from Queen’s House. They then returned for a total of 52 K. Meanwhile, six other bikers and I followed more leisurely, and we peddled part way on the old winding road which formed a loop with the current “casino road”. We then returned to Queen’s House taking the more direct route to complete a total of 30 K. Unlike last year’s Bike-a-Thon, the weather this year cooperated magnificently. Not only was it a balmy 24 C, but it was also mercifully calm with no head wind to buck. Moreover, the rich crimsons and golden splashes of the autumn foliage along the way transformed the panorama into a breathtaking feast for the eyes. This, plus the sight of thousands of snow geese flying in extended formation high overhead. Then there was a smaller flock of sand hill cranes flying much lower yet majestically past us, adding to the thrill of being part of the vastness of God’s beautiful creation. As in previous years, when all the bikers returned to Queen’s House, we were treated to refreshments and a delicious, very filling BBQ lunch. Hence, all in all, this year’s Bike-a-Thon was a smashing success, even beyond previous years. So: A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to all of you who have so generously sponsored this seventy-four year “young” biker and, in so doing, have supported the ministry of Queen’s House. May God bless you abundantly. (Submitted by Paul Fachet, OMI)