Spiritual Direction

SPIRITUAL DIRECTION: If you are interested in having a mentor and companion to accompany you on your spiritual journey, please visit a NEW website,            Saskatoon Spiritual Directors Association: https://www.saskatoonspiritualdirectorsassociation.com/

What is a Spiritual Director?

A Spiritual Director is someone who listens and has discerned a call to accompany others – especially those who are experiencing challenges – with finding meaning and wholeness in life.  A Spiritual Director has personally experienced being accompanied by their own spiritual director, and has pursued appropriate training in this listening ministry.

The Spiritual Directors belonging to the Saskatoon Spiritual Directors Association are representative of the wider ecumenical community and together bring a richness of wisdom and experience to provide a compassionate guiding presence to anyone seeking meaning in the complexities of life today.

Spiritual Direction can be offered in person or on zoom or other platforms.